I don't like listening to the same songs and the same kind of music over and over again, which is why I listen to international music. So today, I would like to introduce you to some new music that I think that everyone should know about. First up we have a little Persian music with Arash, the song is called Suddenly and it features Rebecca, now I'm not really sure who the hell Rebecca is but I like her. Arash lives in Sweden so his music is only heard on the other side of the Atlantic, because god forbid someone in America listens to songs in a different language.
The next singer is Elena Gheorghe. She is Romanian, well Macedonian Romanian, but it doesn't matter, she lives and sings in Romania. She is a great singer and this year she represents Romania in the yearly competition Eurovision:
Apparently I like to party like nobody like nobody :-)
Ok so your probably wondering what Eurovision is. It is a musical competition in which a singer from each country in Europe and some other countries like Israel (shout out to my bestie Bat-el, she's Isralei) compete against each other. It has launched some great singers like ABBA back in the day. A couple of years ago Romania got really close to winning...we got 3rd. I mentioned I'm Romanian right? I lived there for most of my life :) anyway doesn't matter. So last year Russia won....yey they were good and we sucked so gotta give them props whatever... so this years competition is held in Moscow and it's coming up in May! Can't wait! Anyways check it out and listen to the songs, Sweden is good, Germany is ridiculous the guy reminds me of the Hoff, there are other countries that are really good.
So there you go, I showed you a little of my culture :0 ) and informed you of some new music more to come when I discover it.
Oh shoot I forgot to mention someone else...gotta save the best for last hehe. Well they are my favorite band I have like all their CDs, almost, I will when my mom brings me back their new one. Here's their new video That's My Name there's another one that I like it's called Lover's Cry but I like the video for this one better...it's funnier:
K I'm out peace!
"Music is what feelings sound like"
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Moving into #1
It's official I have a new favorite store, and I have to give Perez Hilton props because he introduced me to it. The store is called Mod Cloth, and they have a bunch of vintage clothing. Now the only reason it beat out Broadripple Vintage as my new favorite is because I don't have to search through piles of clothing, this is online and very well organized. I just wanted to say that I'm pretty sure the moment I get money it's going to be going to them. I honestly want to buy one of everything :) ok here's the link:

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Ok so apparently everyone is obsessed with it so I thought I'd try it and omg I am obsessed with it now! So yes I am on twitter http://twitter.com/ralucababy there you go, come follow me and become obsessed hehe. Oh and I have also become obsessed with the new Giambattista Valli line has anyone seen it!? It's prretty :) Look:
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Procrastination will be my demise!
Ok so I officially have NOTHING to do on a Saturday night. You might as well shoot me now. My horrible procrastination and my total lack of skill in planning are interfering with my social life. Oh and did I mention I am also living alone for the next 3 weeks, I don't like living alone, it freaks me out. And I can't go shopping because the mall is closed and I'm sad : ( I need more friends.
So did anyone else notice that Forever 21 is totally copying the DVF line. They are getting a tad ridiculous, but whatever I still love them. Also, I just recently really got into Bluefly.com I've been on it before I've just never really bought anything from there. But do check out what I just got:

Maybe I should stop shoe shopping oh well, what else do I have to do?

So did anyone else notice that Forever 21 is totally copying the DVF line. They are getting a tad ridiculous, but whatever I still love them. Also, I just recently really got into Bluefly.com I've been on it before I've just never really bought anything from there. But do check out what I just got:

Maybe I should stop shoe shopping oh well, what else do I have to do?

Friday, April 24, 2009
I changed my blog!
I finally changed my blog!!! Got sick of cookie cutter backgrounds so I finally made my own. So what do you think? It's simple not that intricate because I am not good at making my own, so I just changed it. The picture is of my hometown in Romania. Ah yes and I have to pimp my favorite chocolate in the world! Hershey's Dark Chocolate Almond Nuggets! They are yummy and I've had an overdose hehe.
Who knew?
So today I saw my ex boyfriend, the man I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with, for the first time in a couple of months. We had an early dinner. It was definitely interesting. After yelling at me and fighting with me constantly forever, he was conspicuously sweet. Luckily though, I didn't fall for his crazy tricks this time. After cheating on me 2 times and dragging me through 2 years of hell, I am finally over him! I guess rehab and jail did him good (he wasn't the greatest person in the world). Anyway I thought I'd share with you the outfit that made him drool because no one else is here to appreciate it.

It's a tad blurry but it works. Anyway, the reason he asked me to have dinner with him, was to tell me that he realized that the time he spent with me was the happiest time of his life and he realized he loved me and that he can't stop thinking about me and that the reason he cheated on me was because he was immature and then he asked me to marry him. I think he was high. Who the hell knew the man was ready to commit. Unfortunately, let's face it I am wayyyy to young and I am so not ready to commit. See our relationship was very complicated, we were on and off. We were better off then on. The only time we worked was when we didn't put a label on our relationship, and now he wants me to be his wife? What do I look like an idiot or something? Did I mention he went all out for this. The man is crazy he just spent a lot of money for nothing. Oh well.
Moving on, did anyone hear the new Green Day single? I am completely obsessed with it, also I've been listenting to the Kelly Clarkson CD constantly. I need new music. Oh and Lady Gaga has this song of the soundtrack for Confessions of a Shopaholic you have to hear it I can't get enough.
And to answer your previous question, I do like black and white, those are my favorite colors. They are very classic. The color black will never go out of style.

It's a tad blurry but it works. Anyway, the reason he asked me to have dinner with him, was to tell me that he realized that the time he spent with me was the happiest time of his life and he realized he loved me and that he can't stop thinking about me and that the reason he cheated on me was because he was immature and then he asked me to marry him. I think he was high. Who the hell knew the man was ready to commit. Unfortunately, let's face it I am wayyyy to young and I am so not ready to commit. See our relationship was very complicated, we were on and off. We were better off then on. The only time we worked was when we didn't put a label on our relationship, and now he wants me to be his wife? What do I look like an idiot or something? Did I mention he went all out for this. The man is crazy he just spent a lot of money for nothing. Oh well.
Moving on, did anyone hear the new Green Day single? I am completely obsessed with it, also I've been listenting to the Kelly Clarkson CD constantly. I need new music. Oh and Lady Gaga has this song of the soundtrack for Confessions of a Shopaholic you have to hear it I can't get enough.
And to answer your previous question, I do like black and white, those are my favorite colors. They are very classic. The color black will never go out of style.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
New day New ideas.
Recently I've become really obsessed with photography, unfortunately my flash on my camera doesn't work anymore :( so sad. I swear everytime I touch technology it dies, just like my plants. But luckly, I got this cool new phone and it takes some pretty good photos, so I started taking pictures again! YEY! Now, I didn't take a lot. I just took pictures of these gorgeous trees with these beautiful flowers, things like this. Thank god it's spring by the way, I love spring it's my favorite season. Don't get me wrong winter is really pretty. I love it when everything is covered in snow, but after 4 months I'm ready for the sun, green grass and flowers. Anyway, here's some of the pictures I took, I'll put up some pictures of my new hair color tomorrow.

Some of these were taken from my car, while I was driving, just because I love moving pictures and I couldn't really get out :)
Oh and I have to show you guys what I just bought:

It is a 10K white gold ring with black and white diamonds. Isn't it amazing! It is definetly one of my favorite things I've ever bought. Also, I started buying stuff for my new apartment, eventhough I'm only moving in like 2 months hehe. What can I do I can't help it! Shopping is what I do.

This is all I got so far. I don't really like to look for things, I just buy things as I find them. Did I mention I'm obsessed with Audrey Hepburn. She's my favorite :) Everything that I bought except the picture is from Target, the picture is from Z Gallerie. Honestly I'm not the kind of person to spend a lot of money on furniture just because my taste changes so much and I would rather buy a pair of Christian Louboutins hehe.
Ok it's almost 1am so I'm going to go to sleep, lots to do tomorrow. Good night!

Some of these were taken from my car, while I was driving, just because I love moving pictures and I couldn't really get out :)
Oh and I have to show you guys what I just bought:

It is a 10K white gold ring with black and white diamonds. Isn't it amazing! It is definetly one of my favorite things I've ever bought. Also, I started buying stuff for my new apartment, eventhough I'm only moving in like 2 months hehe. What can I do I can't help it! Shopping is what I do.

This is all I got so far. I don't really like to look for things, I just buy things as I find them. Did I mention I'm obsessed with Audrey Hepburn. She's my favorite :) Everything that I bought except the picture is from Target, the picture is from Z Gallerie. Honestly I'm not the kind of person to spend a lot of money on furniture just because my taste changes so much and I would rather buy a pair of Christian Louboutins hehe.
Ok it's almost 1am so I'm going to go to sleep, lots to do tomorrow. Good night!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Cristos a Inviat!
It's Orthodox Easter today, unfortunately most of my family is in Romania, my mom is busy getting ready to go to Romania, and my dad is working so I'm not exactly spending time with my family. Therefore, I decided to update you all on everything. Yesterday, was Tasha's wedding. I didn't go. Yes, you heard right. I didn't go. She kicked me out. See 3 days ago I was over at her house going over some details about her apartment which I was almost done decorating, and helping her mom pick her outfit. Of course Tasha was in her own little world stressing about god knows what while she was getting her hair done, so needless to say she wasn't exactly paying attention to what her fiance was saying to her. So he comes into Natasha's mom's room, and he's just dumbfounded, he sits in the chair next to me and we start talking. So we're like joking around making fun of her. Her mom's like about to die on the floor laughing because of the things we're saying, and then Tasha walks into the room, and oh my god, she flips out. I guess the stress of everything was getting to her because she blew up, and she wasn't mad because we were making fun of her she's used to that she knew we were joking around. Miss Smarty Pants thought I was sleeping with her fiance. Well, that was news to me. She said she suspected it when we went shopping for his suit. There were 5 other guys with us. She thinks I'm sleeping with all of them. Just so you know, I'm not. Russian guys are not my type. And the stupid thing about all of this is that Vlad, her fiance, is so in love with her he doesn't even look at other women, which doesn't sound real because he is after all a guy, but it's true. He told me that he can't stop thinking about her. Anyway, so she flips out on me, her mom is defending me because she was in the room with us and she knows this is absurd, but she doesn't believe a word and starts making up all these events that never happened, and that are absolutely ridiculous. During all of this, Vlad is just sitting there just looking at her like he knew his world is over and there's no reason to live anymore, let's just say this wasn't helping because she took it as a validation for her insanity, and so Tasha says sorry but you can't be my maid of honor anymore, I can't have a lying bitch as my best friend, and as for you Vlad the wedding is off. So I walk out of the room and her mom comes flying after me, and stops me just in time to hear Vlad burst and start yelling at her, in Russian so I didn't understand anything, and her father walk into the room and go tell her to get it together because there is no way the wedding is off. Of course I left because I'm sorry but I can't be friends with someone who thinks I would even do that. She has yet to call and apologize, the wedding was yesterday, her mom was the maid of honor, good thing we're the same size, and they are leaving today for their honeymoon in Tahiti. Honestly, I still can't believe that after I worked with her to find all her stupid dressed redid her wardrobe and redecorated most of her apartment, she seriously did that to me. And I mean come on she's known me for 7 years, she knows like all my secrets, she knows everything about me and she still believed that. Hopefully though, she will come to her senses. I think she was just stressed out because she does have to plan 2 weddings and her family is a tad overwhelming. So that was my interesting couple of days, also I would like to mention that I have officially changed my hair color from light brown to auburn brown : ) yey. Oh and by the way I officially suck at spelling.
Monday, April 13, 2009
I predict a crazy few couple of months
In a couple of months I'm going back to school to get my degree in accounting...and it's going to be interesting lol. But don't worry I will not be abandoning Fashion it is of course my obsession. The only reason I am going into accounting is so I can afford pretty shoes hehe. I am just so passionate :) So anyway I've decided to move into a dorm because well it's free yey financial aid, being a stylist around here hasn't exactly earned me a ton of money. Anyway, I've been looking into a bunch of stuff for my dorm and oh my god finding sheets for the stupid twin extra large mattrases is ridiculous, and I'm used to looking for hard to find things. But I have found some really really adorable bedding and these really cool stick on mirrors. The bedding has this damask print and it's black and white. I have really been into damask print lately it's even the desktop on my computer it's really chic. Anyway I kinda need some help picking a school. I got accepted into Kelley Business School at Indiana University or I could go to Roosevelt University a less known school in Chicago. The upside of Roosevelt is the school is on the lake front. The downside is nobody knows it except in the theater world. The upside of Kelley is that it's a top five business school downside it's in Indiana! no fun. So needless to say I need help. and I need to figure it out this week. And on top of that I need to finish Tasha's wardrobe and I need to redo my wardrobe sheesh. Ok that's it for today so HELP ME make a decision.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Fun Times in Wedding Land
Spring has sprung and I'm busier than ever, which is why I haven't written anything in a while. I am currently working for my best friend Tasha, which is never a good idea. Anyway, she's getting married on Saturday and I'm the maid of honor :) and the dress that I'm wearing is one of my own designs! Anyway before I inform you on the wonderful world of wedding dressed and mens suits I would like start of by saying, I am very opinionated, everyone has different opinions on what is beautiful I know that, trust me, and if your here to criticize me for stating my opinion on my blog please stop reading and move on. Oh I forgot and I am not a 17 year old Seventeen reader.. I never really quite liked that magazine. So now that I've answered to the stupid comments, let's move on.
As I was saying, I've been busy preparing for my friends wedding. I am currently working as stylist and I had the task of finding a wedding dress, a reception dress, a rehearsal dinner dress, an engagement party dress and of course the suits for the groom and his best man. Also I am redoing my friend's wardrobe because she is moving her life to Moscow. I have found the dresses and the suits and I currently have 4 days to find a whole wardrobe. Anyway I would love to share with you what Natasha will be wearing before and after her wedding day:
The wedding dress is Carolina Herrera, The white mini dress for the reception is Badgley Mischka, and The sequined dress for the rehearsal dinner is Herve Leger. I wanna mention though I did a lot of shopping to find these dresses.

The suits that I got for the men are Giorgio Armani, and everything except the wedding gown are from Saks Fifth Avenue. Tomorrow I get to start working on the rest of her wardrobe, Bloomingdales here I come.
That's all I have to say there is nothing really that has caught my attention in the fashion world lately. Although I would like to say that I am completely and utterly obsessed with gladiator sandals right now! Oh and I have a great site for you that has sample sales on a bunch of designer, it's called Haute Look, google it :) and have a great day!
"You have to kiss a lot of toads before you find a handsome prince:"
As I was saying, I've been busy preparing for my friends wedding. I am currently working as stylist and I had the task of finding a wedding dress, a reception dress, a rehearsal dinner dress, an engagement party dress and of course the suits for the groom and his best man. Also I am redoing my friend's wardrobe because she is moving her life to Moscow. I have found the dresses and the suits and I currently have 4 days to find a whole wardrobe. Anyway I would love to share with you what Natasha will be wearing before and after her wedding day:
The wedding dress is Carolina Herrera, The white mini dress for the reception is Badgley Mischka, and The sequined dress for the rehearsal dinner is Herve Leger. I wanna mention though I did a lot of shopping to find these dresses.

The suits that I got for the men are Giorgio Armani, and everything except the wedding gown are from Saks Fifth Avenue. Tomorrow I get to start working on the rest of her wardrobe, Bloomingdales here I come.
That's all I have to say there is nothing really that has caught my attention in the fashion world lately. Although I would like to say that I am completely and utterly obsessed with gladiator sandals right now! Oh and I have a great site for you that has sample sales on a bunch of designer, it's called Haute Look, google it :) and have a great day!
"You have to kiss a lot of toads before you find a handsome prince:"
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