Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ok so it's been a while..

But I've been really busy. In the last couple of month my life has changed completely. I think I've really started to accept who I am and not try to be something I'm not. Which is good. I've grown up a lot in the last couple of months since I've been on here. K so let's start at the beginning:
  • my best friends dumped me for being too "mean" to them...I'm honest and I'm sarcastic my bad.
  • I got in a car accident the day they decided to stop being friends with me
  • I started hanging out with my friend M
  • I got a job at a hookah bar...I'm the only waitress FML
  • I met J on the 4th of July
  • We started talking
  • M stabbed me in the back and is now pretending nothing ever happened
  • broke up with J three times because I convinced myself I don't want to be in a relationship
  • Started school at some point.
  • Now I miss him.
  • Oh and today I found out I have food poisoning.
  • I moved into my own place :D and painted for the first time in my life the walls are a blue green and plum
  • Got a new tattoo
  • Started hanging out with my bestie A again
  • Changed my hair...again
Let's just say my life is just a blast at the moment. Also I realized that pursuing a degree in accounting would make my life a living hell so I'm trying to transfer to Columbia College next year and pursue a degree in fashion because let's face it it's what I am really meant to do.