Thursday, May 21, 2009

Back to the 80's

Ok so maybe we're not going back to the 80's for real or completely but, the skirt that I found in my mother's closet of stuff she doesn't wear is truly amazing! I love love love this skirt and I made the cutest outfit out of it! The skirt is navy blue with white elephants on it :0D. So I decided to share hehe because I love this outfit....I couldn't breath but I loved it!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous!=)
    And you look so pretty on it.Your mom made a wrong decision for not wearing that fab forward on your next post,have a nice day.=)

    A Writers Den
    The Brown Mestizo

  2. Love the skirt,and your top is just perfect for it.=) Hope you had a great weekend.=)

    Travel and Living
